Vaia Papadimitriou

Vaia Papadimitriou

Senior Scientist
Deputy Project Manager of the U.S. CMS HL-LHC Upgrade

Telephone: (630) 840-8207 E-mail:  Office Location: WH11W

Areas of Focus: Project management, Calorimeter, B physics


Education and Training:

Ph.D. – Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, U.S.A (1990)

M. Sc. – Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, U.S.A (1985)

Graduate Fellowship: Institute of Nuclear Physics “DEMOKRITOS”, Athens, Greece (1982-1983)

B.Sc. – Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece (1982)

Employment History:

Aug. 2003 – Present: Senior Scientist, Fermilab

March 2003 – Aug. 2005: Professor of Physics (tenured), Texas Tech University

Feb. 1999 – Feb. 2003: Associate Professor of Physics (tenured), Texas Tech University

Sept. 1994 – Jan. 1999: Assistant Professor of Physics, Texas Tech University

Nov. 1990 – Aug. 1994: Postdoctoral Leon Lederman Fellow, Fermilab

Oct. 1983 – Oct. 1990: Teaching & Research Assistant, the University of Chicago

Selected Professional Positions:

July 2018 – present: Deputy Manager for the U.S. High-Luminosity LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project

July 2009 – June 2018: Associate Head of Fermilab’s Accelerator Division

Sept. 2006 – June 2009: Assistant Head of Fermilab’s Accelerator Division

July 2009 – Mar. 2018: Manager of the “Beamline” subproject of the LBNE/LBNF Project

Aug. 2004 – present: Co-leader of the International Quarkonium Working Group

Research Interests:

Member of the E731-Kaon, CDF, LBNE/LBNF/DUNE, CMS Experimental Collaborations; have also worked extensively within the Fermilab Accelerator Complex. Particular interest in Calorimetry and in Trigger Electronics; also, in Heavy Flavor Physics, Quarkonium Physics and Neutrino Physics.

Selected Publications:

“Search for KL→π0γγ”, ”, V. Papadimitriou et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 28 (1989).

“B Physics at the Tevatron: Run II and Beyond”, K. Anikeev et al., FERMILAB-PUB-01/197 (2001), (583 pages).

CERN Yellow Report, “Heavy Quarkonium Physics”, N. Brambilla et al., arXiv:hep-ph/0412158 and CERN-2005-005 (521 pages).

“The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment: Exploring Fundamental Symmetries of the Universe,” C. Adams et al., The LBNE Collaboration, arXiv:1307.7335v3 [hep-ex], April 22, 2014 (288 pages).

“Constraints on the chi_c1 versus chi_c2 Polarizations in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV”, A. M. Sirunyan et. al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 162002 (2020).