Sergo R. Jindariani
Senior Scientist
Telephone: (630) 840-2433 E-mail: Office Location: WH11W
Areas of Focus: Trigger, Higgs, Standard Model, BSM
Obtained PhD in Physics from University of Florida in 2008, specializing in studies of fragmentation properties of QCD jets at the Tevatron. As a postdoctoral research associate I looked for the Higgs boson first in CDF data and later contributed to the discovery of this particle in CMS. During my term as a Fermilab Wilson Fellow (2012-2016), I measured properties of top quarks and searched for Supersymmetry signals at the LHC.
More recently, my research program is focused around precision studies of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model.
Over the years, I mentored a large number of postdocs and students, many of whom have a highly successful career in particle physics.