Artur Apresyan

Artur Apresyan


Telephone: (630) 840-2697 E-mail: 




Over the last few years my research has been focused on the development of precision timing detectors, and searches for new physics using the CMS data. Since joining FNAL in 2016, I formed and lead an international team proposing a new timing detector for the CMS experiment. I currently serve as a manager of the endcap timing layer within the CMS and US-CMS organizations, and am the deputy team leader of the FNAL timing group. My group is actively engaged in the development of tracker devices that deliver high precision spatial and timing resolution, i.e. 4D trackers. I was awarded the DOE Early Career Award in 2018, US-Japan Science And Technology Cooperation awards in 2019 and 2020, and Fermilab’s New Initiatives award in 2020 and LDRD in 2017.

Since 2019 my focus on CMS data analysis has been to establish a thorough research program for new physics searches in final states containing particles with long lifetimes (LLPs). My group proposed and implemented several new search strategies, specifically targeting LLP lifetimes beyond the tracker volume. This region of the parameter space has been left largely unexplored, because the majority of searches lose sensitivity for particles with lifetimes that are beyond the tracker volume. The analyses that our group has pioneered aim to fill these gaps in coverage and open a promising avenue for discovery physics at CMS.


2009 Ph.D. in Physics, Purdue University, U.S.A.
2003 M.Sc. in Physics, Yerevan State University, Armenia.
2001 B.S. in Physics and Education, Yerevan State University, Armenia.

Professional Experience:

2020–present Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
2016–2020 Associate Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
2012–2016 Postdoctoral scholar, California Institute of Technology.
2009–2012 Richard C. Tolman postdoctoral fellow, California Institute of Technology.

Selected Publications:

  1. Search for Neutral Long-lived Particles Decaying in the CSCs; CMS Collaboration; to be submitted (2021)
  2. Measurements of an AC-LGAD strip sensor with a 120 GeV proton beam; A. Apresyan, W. Chen, G. D’Amen, K. Di Petrillo, G. Giacomini, R. Heller, H. Lee, S. Los, C.-S. Moon, A. Tricoli; submitted to JINST 2020
  3. CACTUS: a depleted monolithic active timing sensor using a CMOS radiation hard tech- nology; Y. Degerli, F. Guilloux, A. Apresyan, et al.; JINST 15 (2020) P06011
  4. High rate proton detection with single photon counting hybrid pixel detector; A. Apresyan, A. Koziol, P. Grybos, et al.; Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 956 (2020)
  5. New Technologies for Discovery; Z. Ahmed, A. Apresyan, M. Artuso, et al.; A report of the 2018 DPF Coordinating Panel for Advanced Detectors (CPAD) Community Workshop, arXiv:1908.00194
  6. A simulation model of front-end electronics for high-precision timing measurements with low-gain avalanche detectors; A. Apresyan, C. Pena, G. Deptuch, et al.; Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 940 (2019) 119-124
  7. Studies of uniformity of 50 μm low-gain avalanche detectors at the Fermilab test beam; A. Apresyan, S. Xie, C. Pena, et al.; Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 895 (2018) 158-172
  8. Inclusive search for supersymmetry using razor variables in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV; CMS Collaboration; Phys. Rev. D 95, 012003 (2017)