Aram Apyan
E-mail: Office Location: WH11W
Areas of Focus: Calorimeter, Standard Mode, Higgs Physics
My research is focused on exploring the electroweak sector of the Standard Model (SM) of particles and searches of physics beyond the SM at the energy frontier. My current projects include studies of the Higgs boson couplings to gauge bosons and searches of anomalous quartic gauge couplings by studying vector boson scattering processes at the LHC. In addition, I perform precision measurements of electroweak precision observables where deviations from the SM predictions may lead to discovery of physics beyond the SM. I am also interested in the construction and commissioning of calorimeters, and in the development of algorithms for event reconstruction.
My role in CMS:
Hadron Calorimeter detector performance group co-convener, 2019-present
LHC Electroweak Precision group co-convener, 2018-present
Hadron Calorimeter operations co-coordinator, 2018
Standard Model vector boson group co-convener, 2016-2018
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D., Physics, 2017
Illinois Institute of Technology, B.S., Physics, Applied Mathematics, 2011