Allison Reinsvold Hall

Allison Reinsvold Hall

Research Associate

Telephone: (630) 840-3502  E-mail:  Office Location: WH11W

Areas of Focus: Software & Computing, BSM



I received my Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame and I joined the Fermilab group in 2018. My research focus is searching for dark matter using the CMS experiment, particularly in final states with new and exotic signatures such as displaced lepton jets. My technical expertise is in CMS computing, particularly in developing software that will help address the computing challenges of the HL-LHC. This includes software R&D to speed up the CMS track building algorithms and the development of the COFFEA framework that applies industry data science techniques to CMS data analysis.

Selected recent publications:

“Speeding up Particle Track Reconstruction using a Parallel Kalman Filter Algorithm”, S. Lantz et al, Submitted to JINST, arXiv:2006:00071

“Search for supersymmetry in final states with photons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV”, CMS Collaboration, ​JHEP 0​6 (2019) 143,​ doi 10.1007/JHEP06(2019)143, arXiv:1903.07070

“Combined search for gauge-mediated supersymmetry with photons in 13 TeV collisions at the CMS experiment”, CMS Collaboration, P​hys. Lett. B 801 (2020) 135183,​ doi 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135183, arXiv:1907:00857