Lenny Spiegel

Lenny Spiegel

Senior Scientist

Telephone: (630) 840-2809  E-mail: lenny@fnal.gov  Office Location: WH10E




Ph.D. Carnegie-Mellon University 1984, Postdoctoral position at Northwestern University 1984-1988, Joined Fermilab in 1988 and CMS in 2000.

Primary focus: The HL-LHC upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker. Responsible for OT module assembly and testing at FNAL. Previous vertex detector/silicon sensor experience includes the Phase-1 upgrade of the FPIX detector, the assembly of half of the current Tracker Outer Barrel modules, and the CDF SVXII detector.

Analysis interests: Contact Interaction and Large Extra Dimension non-resonant enhancements to CMS dilepton mass spectra. Doubly charged Higgs bosons and dark photons in a SUSY portal leading to four lepton final states.

He continues to work on vector boson scattering in CMS, radiation damage in scintillator, and a proposed search for long lived particles at the LHC.