Jim Hirschauer

Jim Hirschauer


Telephone: (630) 840-8346  E-mail: jhirsch@fnal.gov  Office Location: WH14E

Areas of Focus: BSM, Calorimeter




Jim received a Bachelor’s degree in physics from Xavier University and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Colorado, Boulder.  Jim started at Fermilab as a Research Associate in 2009. In 2013, he was selected for a Fermilab Wilson Fellowship, and was promoted to Scientist in 2017.

Jim’s Ph.D. research with the Babar experiment at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Palo Alto, CA, focused on measurement of CP violation and branching fractions for quasi-two-body B meson decays.  His 2009 measurements of time-dependent CP violation in B meson decays to an eta’ and neutral kaon remains the most precise in the world.

Since 2009, Jim’s research has focused on searches for new phenomena with the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as development and construction of calorimeter detectors for the CMS upgrade for the high luminosity LHC.  Since 2015, Jim’s research group has focused on searches for evidence of supersymmetry both with and without the assumption of R-parity conservation.  From 2013-2019, Jim led the development and construction of the upgraded readout system for the CMS barrel and endcap hadron calorimeters, which represent the world’s first large scale use of novel silicon photomultipliers in the high radiation environment of a collider detector.  Since 2017, Jim has been leading the development of the novel, on-detector, first-stage trigger/readout circuitry for the CMS High Granularity Endcap Calorimeter for the HL-LHC.

Selected recent publications:

Search for new phenomena in events with top quarks, many jets, and low missing transverse momentum, CMS Collaboration, SUS-19-004 (in preparation).

Measurements of dose-rate effects in the radiation damage of plastic scintillator tiles using silicon photomultipliers, CMS Collaboration, PRF-18-003, arXiv:2001.06553 (submitted to JINST).

Search for supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV using identified top quarks, CMS Collaboration, SUS-16-050, arXiv:1710.11188, Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 012007.

Search for supersymmetry in the multijet and missing transverse momentum channel in pp collisions at 13 TeV, CMS Collaboration, SUS-16-033, arXiv:1704.07781, Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 032003.

Personal website: https://home.fnal.gov/~jhirsch/