Fermilab is the host laboratory in the U.S. that facilitates participation of hundreds of U.S. physicists from more than fifty institutions in the CMS experiment at CERN. Fermilab CMS plays a leading role in detector construction and operations, computing and software, and data analysis.
Fermilab led the U.S. contributions to the construction of the original CMS detector and the LHC accelerator. Since the commencement of LHC operations, Fermilab has been providing management for the US CMS Operations Program. As the LHC program evolves to exploit the full potential of the LHC with upgrades to the accelerator and detectors, the management of U.S. CMS contributions to the upgrades of the detector systems is also being led by Fermilab scientists.
Fermilab hosts a Remote Operations Center for detector and data quality operations, and a Tier-1 computing center for CMS, and the LHC Physics Center (LPC) to support data analysis and physics activities.