Ronald Lipton

Ronald Lipton

Senior Scientist

Telephone: (630) 840-4132 E-mail:  Office Location: WH14




I am primarily interested in the development and application of technologies for Particle Physics experiments and heavy quark physics . I began my interest in heavy quark physics as a graduate student at Northwestern University in an early charm search. As a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern and faculty member at Carnegie-Mellon University I continued work on hadroproduced charm and bottom quarks. In those experiments I designed and built liquid argon calorimeters for fixed target experiments. At Fermilab I continued working on liquid argon calorimetry as well as B physics studies at D0.  I led the construction of the D0 upgrade silicon trackers. I continue to be involved in silicon detector development on CMS, both for the Outer Tracker and the High Granularity Calorimeter. I have also been heavily involved in silicon detector R&D, demonstrating the first three-layer 3D integrated sensor/readout stack and the first 8” sensor wafers for High Energy Physics. I am now working on fast, high resolution 3D integrated “induced current detectors” and AC coupled Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGADs) with buried gain layers.